Modern digital servoamplifiers are still used in central motion control architecture and are very often a replacement for obsolete analog amplifiers. Due to the powerful processors used in today's digital amplifiers it is possible to provide very useful software tools, including setup and tuning tools which makes life much easier for the user.

The available intelligence in these modern servo amplifiers can also be used to integrate more sophisticated tasks into the amplifier and make it a single axis motion controller including position control and indexer functionality.

Additionally many of the digital amplifiers of the latest generation are equipped with fieldbus interfaces like CANopen, Profibus, EtherCAT, etc. so that they also can be used in automation architectures with distributed intelligence.

Eigenschaften der digitalen Servoverstärker

  • Flexible regarding motor technology: AC brushless (BLDC) and brushed (DC) motors
  • Flexible regarding supply voltage: 3 x 400/230Vac, 1 x 115/230 Vac or DC-supply available
  • Efficient control: vector control (info sheet vector control)
  • Efficient setup: powerful software tools (often with oscilloscope and auto-tuning and auto-phasing)
  • Easy integration into central control architectures: +/-10V and/or PWM current or velocity commands
  • Easy replacement for stepper solutions: pulse/direction-interface as position command
  • Single axis controller: indexer and ASCII commands via RS232-interface (programs often also selectable by I/O)
  • Easy integration into distributed control architecture: several fieldbus interfaces available

To fulfill this feature list, we offer the servo drives of our partner company Copley Controls, for both AC and DC power supply voltages.


Servocontroller with AC input

  • Xenus: industrial servocontroller for up to 240Vac (single or three phase) with analog command and RS-232 interface for setup and easy to use software for positioning via ASCII, indexer, CANopen (Xenus Plus also with EtherCAT or MACRO) 

Servocontroller with DC-input

  • Accelnet: servocontroller with DC-input 20 to 180Vdc,  analog command with analog command and RS-232 interface for setup and easy to use software for positioning via ASCII, indexer; optional CANbus, EtherCAT or MACRO interface, available also as module for PCB mount or as PCB card, Accelus Panel and Accelnet Plus module also in dual axis configuration!
  • Junus: servocontroller for brushed DC motors with DC-input 20 to 180Vdc with analog command and RS-232 interface for setup   

Do you have technical questions or need a quote?

Contact us today to talk to an experienced MACCON engineer!

Copley DC servodrives mounted in a 19" rack

Modern digital servoamplifiers are still used in central motion control architecture and are very often a replacement for obsolete analog amplifiers. Due to the powerful processors used in today's digital amplifiers it is possible to provide very useful software tools, including setup and tuning tools which makes life much easier for the user. MACCON also acts as development partner for custom specific adaptation solutions for Copley drives. For example if it is useful to substitute discontinued drives with Copley drives. You can see a picture of a sample project ("TWE-180-09") on the above right-hand side. For more information, please refer to the following link. Please contact us, to discuss your technical requirements.

Overview Copley Servodrives

motor typeBLDC / DCBLDC / DCDC
supply voltage1x/3x 100 - 240 Vac20 - 180 Vdc20 - 180 Vdc
cont. current
(Arms / Adc)
0,7-14,1 / 1-200,7-8,5 / 1-12- / 5-10
peak current
(Arms / Adc)
1,4-28,2 / 2-402,12-25,4 / 3-36- / 10-20
fieldbus optionsCANopenCANopen
(current or velocity)
analog command+/-10V (12bit)+/-10V (12bit)*+/-10V (12bit)
analog outputs---
feedbackresolver (2-pole)
incremental encoder (digital or sine/cosine)
incremental encoder (digital or sine/cosine)

* in panel version only